Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog Post Number One!

It's been three months since I created our family blog and I've been putting off actually using it since that day. So, here we are. Blog number one!

My original intention for my first blog was to post pictures and credits for all the amazing homemade crafty things that were made for Little. I, unfortunately, lack in this area and cannot figure out how to photograph these gifts so you can get the full effect. But luckily, there has been a couple changes in mindset in the Henderson home and I need the space to talk about it. Thus begins the blogging journey. I present to you:

The Henderson Family Health Plan

That's right. You read correctly. It's time for the weight to go. 

I have been overweight for much of my life. I've been sick of it internally, but outside I boasted an "I'm proud of who I am!"  mantra. While I still love me, I'm starting to get sick of it all around. Hubby on the other hand grew up healthy and sporty. But slowly, as we grow older, the I-eat-like-a-teenaged-boy habit catches up to us, especially after my uncomfortable last trimester and these last three months of twitterpated bliss with Little when it's easy to just go grab something or stay on the couch all day. We are both in the same boat now. We want to get healthier and happier in all respects, not just our physical bodies. Here's the plan:

Activity: After dinner walks and/or in home workouts. Early to bed, early to rise.
Eating: Weight Watchers, low junk, high fresh. lots of water.

Overall health in our home includes temporal and spiritual well being too. Check out our beliefs.

Finances: Frugal finds, food storage, one EON (eat out night) a week (because seriously, spend $25 on a dinner out without batting an eye and then complain about good to eat and good for you bread being $5 a loaf.)
Home: Organize one major part of the house a week, keep a Deseret corner. Daily to do lists.
Spiritual: Weekly FHE, monthly temple day, watch for service opportunities. limited media, one morning a week for family history.
Us: Companion scripture study, Monthly date nights

It sounds like a lot. For us, it is a lot. But I am so driven this time around and am constantly praying for help. It's a great time to start these habits now that Little is here. Today is Day 3 of the daily walks! We made it out this morning because of the gap in the rain and walked a mile at Hillcrest again. It supposed to get easier over time, but for now I'm pretty spent by the end. I imagine we keep it up and move forward and we'll see results in the form of happier and healthier hubbys, wives and babies in this house. Hopes are high!
